Wednesday, July 7, 2021

Gaiman, Coffee, Loki

So I’m taking Neil Gaiman’s Masterclass. Today’s lesson was genre and I can not handle Mystery. I’ll just tell you. Whatever it is. I like it when people enjoy my writing and knowing what you’re into is part of that. I know I know, the beautiful suspense, the thrill of mystery. I think it’s just a different wiring in my brain. 

See, when I write stories I want smart, capable, main characters. Will someone they don’t know attack them? Sure. And I suppose that’s technically a mystery, but it doesn’t feel like one. That attack stems from some connection. Some motive. I write the story organically. The third act doesn’t mandate a twist. The twist is how far the ripple of consequence goes. Mystery is ignorance of the wider world / larger system. 

I did write a couple story outlines trying for mystery. You know the ones I thought came out the best? The ones I didn’t know where they were going. Just choosing one amongst many forks while a larger issue plays in the background. 

If you have not, I recommend dipping your creme filled wafer sticks into your morning coffee. Divine pairing. In fact, I think they should all be bought together. Beans, filters, pirouettes. I’m sure Italians have been doing it since the dawn of time. Just a smart bunch of people.

I’ve been enjoying the show Loki because (let’s be honest) he’s finally more than the two note villain he’s always been. Not much more. I am very tired of this convention within comic book stories: for the characters around to deliver all of the characterization without any evidence. I say, if you are a renowned liar and trickster, you probably aren’t very good at either. Like being really good at keeping secrets… How would anybody know? Unless… So I’ve been playing this fun game where I assume all the hype is accurate. Now! When Loki gets into a spot, like being stranded on a planet that is fated to be destroyed in short order. I think, well we know that isn’t going to happen. Did he fake break the time pad? Has a chunk of their journey been an illusion? Is he testing Sylvie’s power and resourcefulness? It all has to fit within the show but no accidents or coincidences!

As the show goes on, and none of my theories seem to hold up, I’m left wondering if it’s all just gesturing at More while staying Less. 

My mind runs in obsessive circles. Especially if I’m trying to write. Found a trick today! Schedule it! Yeah, I’m chomping at the bit to play Apex. Every stalled moment of writing is my brain saying “this is going nowhere. Might as well make some (fake) progress in the game”. I turned to my daily task list / timeline and wrote “Apex after dinner”. Done. Voice silenced.

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